261 Fell Street - San Francisco, CA 94102
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Services and Events
Sermon for Lent V: 5 Lent: Lazarus is Dead...For Now
Sermon for The Feast of the Annunciation 2023
Sermon for 2 Lent Yr. A: A Snake, a Ladder, and Salvation
Sermon for Ash Wednesday 2023: Ins and Outs
Sermon for 5th Sunday After Epiphany: Salt and Light
Sermon for Candlemas 2023 : Continual Consciousness
Sermon for Epiphany 3: 3rd Sunday after Epiphany: These Holy Mysteries
Sermon for Baptism of our Lord: Good Christians
Sermon for Epiphany 2023
Sermon for Advent III Yr. A: What Did We Go Out to See?
Sermon for Advent I Yr. A: The Advents of Christ
Sermon for Christ the King Sunday
Sermon for All Souls 2022
Sermon for Proper 25 C: Admit It and Be Free.
Sermon for Proper 22 C: Grace is the Glue