261 Fell Street - San Francisco, CA 94102
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Services and Events
Sermon for Advent III, Yr. C: Witnesses to the Light
Sermon for Advent I Yr. B: Advent(s) Plural
Sermon for Proper 28 Yr. A: Life in Full
Sermon for Proper 27 Yr. A: Lamps Prepared for the Mystery
Sermon for All Souls 2023: Resting on Earth as it is in Heaven
Sermon for All Saints 2023: Heroes
Sermon for Proper 24 Yr. A: Asking the Right Question
Sermon for Proper 23 Yr. A: Exaggeration with a Purpose
Sermon for Our Lady of Walsingham: Be the Thin Place
Sermon for Proper 19 Yr. A: A Broken Record
Sermon for Proper 15 YR. A: The Dogs Are In
Sermon for Assumption 2023: A Bed of Roses
Sermon for Transfiguration 2023: Heaven as it is on Earth
Sermon for Proper 12 Yr. A: The Kingdom is Everywhere.
Sermon for Proper 10 Yr. A: Soul Soil